Mengatasi Ketegangan Siswa Siswi Menghadapi UNBK Melalui Pelajaran Penjaskesrek


  • Hariadi Hariadi Program Studi Penjaskesrek, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Suryansah Suryansah Program Studi Penjaskesrek, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Hamzanwadi


Overcoming Tensions, Students face UNBK


The Penjaskesrek Study Program wants to participate in preparing students for UNBK so that children are always calm and relaxed without any fear to face it. Penjaskesrek Study Program held PKM to find out the problems of students in preparing themselves to attend UNBK by students. Penjaskesrek Study Program itself wants students in facing UNBK not to feel disturbed or afraid to face UNBK. Through this problem, we from the Penjaskesrek Study Program create teaching activities that are nuanced to play but are inseparable from the purpose of Physical Education, which is to provide fitness for students


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Pambudi Ade Munif Abdul. (2015). Keterkaitan kondisi fisik dengan prestasi belajar penjasorkes pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakulikuler futsal. jurnal kesehatan olahraga Volume 2, Nomer 3, Hal. 117-123

U. Saefullah (2012). Psikologi Perkembangan dan Pendidikan. CV. Pustaka Setia. Bandung


