['dramatist', 'playwright', 'writer', 'tragedian', 'scriptwriter', 'screenwriter', 'scenarist', 'dramaturge'] ['drastic', 'extreme', 'serious', 'forceful', 'desperate', 'dire', 'radical', 'far-reaching', 'momentous', 'substantial', 'heavy', 'sharp', 'severe', 'harsh', 'rigorous', 'swingeing', 'punishing', 'excessive', 'oppressive', 'draconian'] ['drench', 'soak', 'saturate', 'wet through', 'wet thoroughly', 'permeate', 'drown', 'swamp', 'submerge', 'inundate', 'flood', 'douse', 'souse', 'swill down', 'sluice down', 'slosh', 'steep', 'bathe', 'rinse', 'wash'] ['duly', 'properly', 'correctly', 'in due manner', 'rightly', 'fittingly', 'fitly', 'aptly', 'appropriately', 'suitably'] ['duly', 'at the proper time', 'at the right time', 'in due time', 'on time', 'punctually'] ['dumpy', 'short', 'squat', 'stubby', 'plump', 'stout', 'chubby', 'chunky', 'portly', 'paunchy', 'corpulent', 'fat', 'bulky', 'broad', 'broad in the beam', 'well covered', 'well padded', 'well rounded', 'tubby', 'roly-poly', 'pudgy', 'porky'] ['dun', 'greyish brown', 'brownish', 'dun-coloured', 'mud-coloured', 'mouse-coloured', 'mousy', 'muddy', 'khaki', 'umber'] ['dun', 'importune', 'solicit', 'petition', 'press', 'pressurize', 'plague', 'pester', 'nag', 'harass', 'hound', 'badger', 'beset', 'mither', 'hassle', 'bug'] ['dungeon', 'underground cell', 'underground prison', 'oubliette', 'cell', 'prison', 'jail', 'lock-up', 'black hole'] ['dusk', 'twilight', 'nightfall', 'sunset', 'sundown', 'evening', 'close of day', 'dark', 'darkness', 'semi-darkness', 'gathering darkness', 'gloom', 'gloominess', 'murk', 'murkiness', 'shades of evening', 'gloaming', 'eventide', 'eve', 'even', 'evenfall', 'tenebrosity', 'owl light', 'crepuscule'] ['dynasty', 'bloodline, line', 'ancestral line', 'lineage', 'house', 'family', 'ancestry', 'descent', 'extraction', 'succession', 'genealogy', 'family tree', 'regime', 'rule', 'reign', 'dominion', 'empire', 'sovereignty', 'ascendancy', 'government', 'authority', 'administration', 'jurisdiction'] ['witty', 'clever', 'quick-witted', 'sharp-witted', 'piquant', 'original', 'ingenious'] ['edible', 'safe to eat', 'fit to eat', 'fit to be eaten', 'fit for human consumption', 'wholesome', 'good to eat', 'consumable', 'digestible', 'palatable', 'comestible'] ['edition', 'issue', 'number', 'volume', 'printing', 'impression', 'publication', 'version', 'recension', 'redaction', 'revision'] ['zealot', 'bigot', 'dogmatist', 'sectarian', 'partisan'] ['wisp', 'piece', 'scrap', 'shred', 'thread'] ['take action', 'act', 'take steps', 'take measures', 'take the initiative', 'move', 'make a move', 'react', 'do something'] ['electioneer', 'campaign', 'canvass', 'go on the hustings', 'doorstep'] ['take steps', 'take action', 'take measures', 'act', 'take the initiative', 'move'] ['donkey work', 'work', 'effort', 'endeavour', 'toil', 'labour', 'exertion', 'graft', 'the sweat of one's brow', 'drudgery'] ['view', 'display', 'exhibition', 'show', 'displayed', 'showing'] ['savage', 'attack', 'lambaste', 'condemn', 'criticize severely', 'flay', 'shoot down', 'pillory', 'revile'] ['step down', 'resign', 'stand down', 'give up one's job', 'give up one's post', 'bow out'] ['stand down', 'relax', 'stand easy', 'come off full alert'] ['cop-out', 'excuse', 'pretext', 'ostensible reason', 'pretence', 'front', 'cover', 'cover-up', 'subterfuge', 'fabrication', 'evasion', 'escape'] ['to a degree', 'to some extent', 'to a certain extent', 'up to a point', 'to a limited extent'] ['etymology', 'derivation', 'word history', 'development', 'origin', 'source'] ['vagrancy', 'homelessness', 'drifting', 'roving', 'roaming', 'wandering', 'travelling', 'itinerancy', 'migrancy', 'nomadism', 'vagabondism'] ['stand-off', 'deadlock', 'stalemate', 'impasse', 'standstill', 'dead end', 'draw', 'tie', 'dead heat'] ['standstill', 'halt', 'stop', 'dead stop', 'stand'] ['stalemate', 'deadlock', 'impasse', 'standstill', 'dead end', 'stand-off', 'draw', 'tie', 'dead heat'] ['scrounger', 'beggar', 'borrower', 'parasite', 'scrounge', 'cadger'] ['cast down', 'depressed', 'downcast', 'unhappy', 'sad', 'miserable', 'gloomy', 'down', 'low', 'blue', 'melancholy', 'doleful', 'mournful'] ['hosiery', 'socks', 'knee socks', 'ankle socks'] ['marketable', 'saleable', 'sellable', 'merchantable'] ['merchantable', 'saleable', 'sellable', 'marketable', 'merchandisable'] ['roadblock', 'barrier', 'barricade', 'blockade', 'obstruction', 'checkpoint'] ['skive', 'play truant', 'truant'] ['lovesick', 'lovelorn', 'pining', 'languishing', 'longing', 'yearning', 'love-struck', 'infatuated']