
  • Rochyani Lestiyanawati Universitas Sains Al Qur'an
  • Zhul Fahmy Hasani Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an
  • Nugroho Prasetya Adi Universitas Sains Al-Qur'an


English PIAUD Learning Media, Wonosobo Local Wisdom


Globalization and the world’s growing free market demands an adequate intercation capability. One of which is communication skills that must be possessed by every individual to be able to follow the development of globalization and be able to compete in the world free market era. Good communication skills require adequate language skills, english is one of the languages that must be mastered by every individual, especially the younger generation of Indonesia in facing the era of globalization. However, the ability of the english language hasn’t been fully mastered by the young generation of Indonesia today. One of the steps that can be taken to improve the english language skills of Indonesia’s young generation is to introduce english to the younger generation from an early age. The purpose of this research is to develop English PIAUD Learning Media (EPLM) based on Wonosobo local wisdom and to know the feasibility of the media based on expert judgment. The results of the research shot that EPLM based on Wonosobo Local Wisdom has been produceed which is appropriate for the PAUD learning process based on expert judgment.


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