Pengaruh Pembelajaran Inovatif Berbasis Deep Dialog/Critical Thinking (DD/CT) Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Matapelajaran Ekonomi Di MA NW Suralaga


  • Qurratul Aini Prodi pendidikan ekonomi, FKIP Universitas Hamzanwadi



Critical Thinking, Learning Model deep dialogue / critical thinking (DD / CT), Learning Outcomes student


This study aims to determine the effect of the innovative learning-based deep dialogue / critical thinking (DD / CT) against critical thinking skills and student  learning  outcomes  in  economic  lesson  in  MA  NW  Suralaga.  This  type  of  research  using  a  quasi-experimental  methods  (quasi experimental) research design Non-Equivalent Control Group Design. The sampling technique is cluster random sampling. The study population was all students of class X in the MA NW Suralaga. X Class B as an experimental class, while the class X C as the control class. The instrument used in this study is the observation sheet and tests. The results of calculations prerequisite test data analysis done by the normality test results homogeneity test using the test of Bartlet,  while  the  hypothesis  test  result  obtained  t  between  models  of  deep dialogue / critical thinking (DD / CT) with the critical thinking skills of students at 4:18, while t table on significance level α = 0.05 (5%) is 2.098, whereas the t between models of deep dialogue / critical thinking (DD / CT) with the learning outcomes of 7.9 and t table of 2.098. Because t count> t table means H0 rejected and Ha accepted. Thus, the results of this study indicate that the use of models of deep dialogue / critical thinking (DD / CT) effect on critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes MA NW Suralaga


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