Pola Pembinaan Olahraga Taekwondo Pada Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru Ditinjau Dari Context, Input, Process, dan Product
Context, Input, Process, Product, Development Pattern, TaekwondoAbstract
This research was conducted through a preliminary study and the results of observations on Taekwondo Dojang Central Sukoharjo (DCS) athletes related to the coaching program during the adaptation period of new habits. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of taekwondo sports development during the adaptation period of new habits in terms of context, input, process and product. The main problem in this study is that the training process during the adaptation period for new habits is limited by applicable government regulations related to maintaining health protocols so that Covid 19 does not end up in activities that occur in the pattern of coaching taekwondo athletes. The method used in this study uses an approach that refers to the CIPP model with four evaluation targets (Context, Input, Process, and Product). This research was carried out at Dojang Central Sukoharjo in February 2022. The data analysis used descriptive frequency analysis with the help of excel software 2013. The results of this study can be concluded that: Taekwondo Sports Development Patterns During the Adaptation Period of New Habits Judging from Context, Input, Process, and Product in the category good.
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