Pendampingan Kelompok Program Kampung Iklim (Proklim) Temayang di Kecamatan Montong Gading Kabupaten Lombok Timur


  • Agus Muliadi Putra Hamzanwadi University
  • Haerudin Haerudin Hamzanwadi University
  • Muhammad Iman Darmawan Hamzanwadi University
  • Baiq Liana Widiyanti Hamzanwadi University
  • Husnayati Hartini Hamzanwadi University
  • Dwi Rahayu Susanti Hamzanwadi University
  • Shofwatunnida’ Septarini Hamzanwadi University



Adaptation, Climate Village, Collaboration, Mitigation


Climate change is an environmental phenomenon that poses various threats to human life. Various efforts have been made by the government to prevent the impacts of climate change, including by establishing the Climate Village Program (ProKlim). Community participation and collaboration is one of the important indicators in supporting the successful implementation of Proklim. Proklim Temayang is one of the Proklim groups in Montong Betok Village, Montong Gading District, which is currently proposing to level up to the main level. In order to carry out the preparation and data collection, cooperation was carried out in terms of group assistance with academics from the Environmental Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Hamzanwadi University. Some of the activities carried out during the group's assistance were training and website development, making profile videos, and assisting in surveying and collecting regional spectrum data. The data covered are all data related to climate change adaptation and mitigation actions. The general and technical data were then inputted into the national registry system (SRN) through the spectrum application guided by personnel from the Bali Nusra Regional Directorate General of Climate Change Control (PPI). The last stage is the visitation process to verify the actual data and facts by the authorized party to be awarded


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Sunito, S., Shohibuddin, M., & Soetarto, E. (2019). Perubahan Iklim dan Jerat KemiskinAnwar, A., Anwar, S., Ayub, M., Nawaz, F., Hyder, S., Khan, N., & Malik, I. (2019). Climate Change and Infectious Diseases: Evidence from Highly Vulnerable Countries. Iranian Journal of Public Health. Vol 4 (18), 2187-2195. Retrieved from

Climate Watch. (2020). GHG Emissions: World Resources Institute. Retrieved from:

Fatkhullah, M., Mulyani, I., Dewi, A.S., Habib, M,A,F., Reihan, A. (2023). Strategi Komunikasi dalam Mengatasi Perubahan Iklim melalui Pelibatan Masyarakat. Jurnal Komunikasi Pembangunan. Vol. 21 (03) 2023 Hal: 17-33

Hegerl, G. C., Brönnimann, S., Cowan, T., Friedman, A. R., Hawkins, E., Iles, C., Undorf, S. (2019). Causes of Climate Change Over the Historical Record. Environ. Res. Lett, 14, 123006. Retrieved from

Irfani, F. (2021). Perubahan Iklim Turut Menyuburkan Prostitusi di Kawasan Pantura. Retrieved from VICE: indramayu-meningkat-akibat-anomali-cuaca-merugikan-keluarga-nelayan

Rollin, O., Aguirre‐Gutiérrez, J., Kom, I. A.-d., Garratt, M. P., Groot, G. A., Kleijn, D., Carvalheiro, L. G. (2022). Effects of Ozone Air Pollution on Crop Pollinators and Pollination. Global Environmental Change. Vol 75 (102529). doi:

Sunito, S., Shohibuddin, M., & Soetarto, E. (2019). Perubahan Iklim dan Jerat Kemiskinan. In S. Nurbaya (Ed.), Perubahan Iklim: Krisis Sosial Ekologis dan Keadilan Iklim. Jakarta: PT. Kompas Media Nusantara

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Undang-undang (UU) Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Jakarta: LN. 2009/No.140, TLN No. 2029, LL SETNEG: 71 HLM

an. In S. Nurbaya (Ed.), Perubahan Iklim: Krisis Sosial Ekologis dan Keadilan Iklim. Jakarta: PT. Kompas Media Nusantara

Susanti, A.A., Antika, A,A., Pratama, R., Pradana, F,G., Handayani, S., Sutaryono. (2022). Implementasi dan Pengembangan Program Unggulan Kampung Iklim (Proklim) di Desa Kertonatan. Buletin KKN Pendidikan. Vol. 4, No. 1 Hal: 58-68

Susilawati, S. (2021). Dampak Perubahan Iklim Terhadap Kesehatan. Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease. Vol 2 (1), P: 25–31. 749

Undang-undang (UU) Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Jakarta: LN. 2009/No.140, TLN No. 2029, LL SETNEG: 71 HLM




How to Cite

Putra, A. M., Haerudin, H., Darmawan, M. I., Widiyanti, B. L., Hartini, H., Susanti, D. R., & Septarini, S. (2023). Pendampingan Kelompok Program Kampung Iklim (Proklim) Temayang di Kecamatan Montong Gading Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Untuk Masyarakat, 1(2), 66–76.

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