
  • Baiq Utami Rizki Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Baiq Rismarini Nursaly Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Titin Ernawati Universitas Hamzanwadi



his study focuses on the shift in the Sasak language that occurred within the Ulil AlBaab Islamic Boarding School NW. The problems studied in this study are (1) How are the forms of Sasak language shift in the Ulil Al-Baab Islamic Boarding School NW Gegek in the educational, social and family domains (2) What are the causes of the Sasak language shift in the Ulil Al-Baab Islamic boarding school Neighborhood NW in the real of education, social and family. Based on these problems, the purpose of this study are to find out and describe the forms of Sasak language shift in the Ulil Al-Baab Islamic Boarding School NW in the educational, family, and social realms and to determine the Sasak language shift and describe the factors causing the Sasak language shift in Ulil Al-Baab Islamic Boarding School Neighborhood NW in the realm of education, family and social. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with research data in the form of words, sentences, and discourses used in conversations at the Ulil Al-Baab Islamic Boarding School NW in the realm of education, family, and social. The data were obtained by listening and speaking techniques. The data were analyzed by means of data reduction, based on the research results obtained 17 conversational data, 6 data in the educational domain, 7 data in the social domain and 4 data in the family domain, with a total of 115 utterances. From 17 conversational data, it can be concluded that there has been a shift in the Sasak language code and a shift in the role and function of the Sasak language in the educational, social and family spheres caused by a) regulations or prohibitions on the use of the Sasak language; b) society's perspective on language and the dominance of a particular language; c) attitude or behavior towards language; d) social level or education level; e) the habit of the pesantren community to do code switching and code mixing; f) lack of pride in their own local language; and g) lack of education about local languages.


Keywords: Language Shift, Language Use, Sasak Language, Ulil al-Baab Islamic Boarding School NW

Author Biography

Baiq Utami Rizki, Universitas Hamzanwadi

Pendidikan bahasa dan sastra Indonesia


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How to Cite

Rizki, B. U., Nursaly, B. R., & Ernawati, T. (2022). PERGESERAN BAHASA SASAK DI LINGKUNGAN PONDOK PESANTREN ULIL ALBAAB NW. Journal of Lombok Studies, 1(1), 17–28.