


 It is believed by Muslims in Lombok that the genies live as the keeper of sacred tree, stone, waterfall and river. When someone comes to those sacred places and goes home in unhealthy condition, it is because the genies feel disturbed. The one must do Bepertuk, it refers to a ritual of Sasaknese Islam to cure the illness caused by genie. Despite this activity is modified by the growing of Islam, parts of local belief still exist. This paper aims to re-think and offer the contemporary interpretation about Bepertuk that is still conducted in Korleko, East Lombok. It explains the convergence of local understanding and Islamic doctrine. It also examines the meaning of each activity on the ritual that integrates human with the existence of creature in another realm. This is a qualitative research through literature study and field observation, an interview also conducted to an Islamic follower who does Bepertuk. This study argues that the practice of pulling the hair of a girl, chewing betel and areca and spelling the mantras around the teapot are simply fit with Islamic teaching. The unity of local wisdom and Islamic value are not matter to be an acculturation.    Keyword: Sasak, Islam, Bepertuk, acculturation.

Author Biography

Rozi Ahdar, CRCS UGM

I am part of Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies Gadjah Mada University


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How to Cite

Ahdar, R. (2022). REVISITING BEPERTUK AS TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN ISLAM SASAK. Journal of Lombok Studies, 1(2), 107–117.