Sikap Negatif, Norma Subjektif dan Efikasi Diri yang Rendah pada Niat Tidak Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Generasi Z di Surabaya




Negative Attitude, Subjective Norm, Self-efficacy, Entrepreneurial Despondency, Entrepreneurial Intention


The increase in the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is not consistent with the findings of studies on positive entrepreneurial intention. Therefore, it is essential to assess the appropriateness of the conducted research. This study aims to validate the possibility of entrepreneurial despondency and whether these despondency are influenced by factors such as negative attitudes, subjective norms, and low self-efficacy. The study employed purposive sampling techniques with a sample size of 89 Generation Z students. Statistical analysis was performed using Partial Least Squares through SmartPLS. The findings indicate that negative attitudes have a significant positive impact on entrepreneurial despondency. Moreover, subjective norms were found to exert a significant positive influence on entrepreneurial despondency. Additionally, low self-efficacy was observed to have a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial despondency. Regarding the identification of the factors that contribute to entrepreneurial despondency and methods to increase generation Z students' inclination to pursue entrepreneurship, this research has theoretical and practical implications



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