Sistem Pendeteksi Banjir Berbasis Sensor Ultrasonik Hc-Sr04 Dan Modul Esp8266-12e Dengan Media Komunikasi Telegram Dan Buzzer
HC-SR04, modul ESP8266-12E, Buzzer, Telegram.Abstract
It has been designed the water surface level detection system based on the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and the ESP8266-12E module through telegram and buzzer communication media.. The research aims to design a water surface-level detection system by using ultrasonic sensors and the ESP8266-12E module. The tools and materials used during the design are: Ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04, module ESP8266-12E, and buzzer as an output to sound the alarm. The ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensor will detect the water surface level, the detection data will be sent to the ESP8266-12E module, then the system will send the information in the form of a message through telegram and buzzer application. The messages delivered are several stages including standby, alert, and danger. The methods used in this design are planning, study libraries, collection of tools and materials, hardware plan, and program creation on the software. The final result is a system capable of detecting water surface level based on the ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and the ESP8266-12E module through telegram and buzzer communication media. The success rate of this tool system at several stages among others at a standby of 77%, at a level of alert of 70%, and the level of success at the hazard level is 83%.
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