Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Melalui Cards Of The Formula Pada Perkuliahan Mekanika
Lesson Study, Critical Thinking, Cards of the FormulaAbstract
This research aimed at improving critical thinking ability of the fourth semester students in mechanics course of physics education at Universitas Hamzanwadi. Method applied was problem based learning through lesson study activity which covered open class four cycle. Media used was cut of papers contained formula or mathematics equation which were called Cards of the formula, the cards were given in every open class activity. The data of critical thinking ability taken from critical thinking test administered by the end o, pices of f lecturing activity. Qualitative data taken from obseravtion result during the lecturing. From the activity, it was found that students’ critical ability in every element namely giving argument ability , formulating problem, doing induction, and by doing deduction, average scores above 3 was got which were categorized into high and medium.References
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