Pengaruh senam aerobic terhadap kebugaran jasmani ibu PKK
Aerobics, beep test, physical fitnessAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic exercise on the physical fitness of PKK Saluinduk Village mothers. This study included a pre-experimental study with a one group pretest-posttest design. The population numbered 20 people while the sampling technique was carried out using the total sampling technique, namely the entire population was used as a sample, so that in this study the sample totaled 20 people who were treated with aerobic exercise and measured physical fitness before and after being treated with a multistage fitness test instrument (beep tests). Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics with t-test. The results showed that the tcount value was greater than ttable (4.30266 > 1.99773) thus the t value obtained in this study was significant. So it was concluded that aerobic exercise had an influence on the physical fitness of PKK Saluinduk Village mothers.
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