Author Guidlines

The articles manuscripts are prepared in Bahasa Indonesia or English written in Microsoft Word file format, using Arial 11pt in A4 paper layout by 3cm top margin; 2,4cm bottom; 3cm left; and 2,4cm right as the journal template provided. The article submitted by OJS system on

The manuscript should be structured into these following sections:

  1. Abstrak - consists of 200-300 words embodying the concise description of the background and the purpose of the work, methods used, findings, and conclusions accompanied by 3-5 keywords.
  2. Pendahuluan – providing gap analysis, a brief statement of previous relevant works with references and research objective(s).
  3. Metode – consist of material and methods used for the work. The ethical clearance of the study is considered for those works involved animal and or human subjects.
  4. Hasil dan Pembahasan – providing the findings and discussions.
  5. Kesimpulan – providing the statements based on variables observed in a paragraph to reach the purpose of the work.
  6. Ucapan Terima Kasih – containing the acknowledgement for parties (organization, fundings, and subject) supporting the work.
  7. Daftar Pustaka – written using reference manager (Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, dll) in American Psychological Association (APA) format. Literature cited must be 5 recent years publication (min.60%).