Tourism Campaign on Zero-waste; Between Image and Sustainability, Lombok Timur


  • Evilia Rochmi Politeknik Selaparang Lombok
  • Muh Hafizul Zikri Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • I Wayan Bratayasa Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Mataram



Image and Sustainability, Lombok Timur, tourism campaign, zero-waste


This study analyzes tourism campaigns through zero waste programs between image and sustainability. This research is carried out so that tourism can be an effort to improve tourism campaigns and sustainable zero-waste programs. The data consists of primary data obtained through direct interviews with respondents and secondary data that complements the preliminary data. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation methods. The implementation of the zero-waste program in Loyok Village, Sikur District, East Lombok Regency will be difficult to realize if you only rely on the government without community participation, and vice versa, if you only rely on the community, a sign that there is serious support from the government, the program that is run will not be adequately realized. Therefore, the role of the government and the people of Loyok Village in overcoming waste problems must be sustainable, and they must support each other in the implementation of the zero-waste program. Based on the results of the study, it can be taken that providing adequate waste management facilities, such as safe and closed landfills, as well as waste transportation services for the community is something that must be done by the Loyok Village government so that this zero-waste program can be sustainable and can be an attraction for the Loyok Village tourism campaign. Based on the findings conducted in Loyok Village, it was identified that the zero-waste program has not been influential regarding facilities and human resources. Therefore, it can be concluded that the tourism campaign through the zero-waste program in Loyok Village is just a discourse that the government and the local community have not realized efficiently and adequately.


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