Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Budaya Lokal Dalam Kerajinan Tenun Melalui Pembelajaran IPAS Di Sekolah Dasar
Keywords: crafts, values, weaving, science, elementary schoolAbstract
This study aims to: 1) find cultural values in Pringgasela woven cloth crafts, Pringgasela District, East Lombok Regency; 2) explain the role and function of cultural values in Pringgasela woven cloth crafts, Pringgasela District, East Lombok Regency, and 3) reflect the implementation of cultural values in Pringgasela woven cloth crafts through learning natural and social sciences (IPAS) in Elementary Schools. This study uses a qualitative approach to find local cultural values in woven fabric crafts. The study was conducted at Pringgasela Elementary School with research subjects of community leaders, weavers, and teachers. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data with examination steps, namely the degree of trust, transferability, dependence, and certainty. The analysis stages consist of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that: 1) cultural values in woven fabric crafts are related to self, fellow human beings, and the environment. Values related to self are five values, namely creative values, self-confidence, hard work, perseverance, and patience. Cultural values related to fellow human beings are five values, namely the values of cooperation, caring for others, simplicity, entrepreneurship, and precision. Cultural values related to the environment are four values, namely the values of mutual cooperation, commitment, caring for the environment, and responsibility; 2) the role of cultural values in woven fabric crafts, namely preserving identity, a container for economic development, strengthening social relations, cultural heritage. The function of cultural values in woven fabric crafts as a symbol of culture, strengthening social, economic relations, and a reflection of identity, and 3) implementation of cultural values in woven fabric crafts through science and natural science learning in elementary schools is carried out through classroom activities, science and natural science learning themes, and learning methods. Classroom activities consist of additional study hours, strengthening local cultural appreciation, and shaping student character. The science and natural science learning theme in elementary schools related to woven fabric crafts is developed through the materials "Stories about My Region" and "My Indonesia is Rich in Culture". The learning method uses practice, demonstration, and mini looms. Learning strategies by introducing local culture, direct demonstrations, giving students simple weaving introduction projects, visiting woven fabric craft places, and integration with other subjects.
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