Tren Penggunaan Framework COBIT, ITIL, dan ISO 27001 Pada Rentang Tahun 2014-2018 di Indonesia
COBIT, Google Scholar, ISO 27001, ITIL, Publish or PerishAbstract
The use of Information Technology (IT) frameworks from year to year in Indonesia has shown an increase. However, there is not much research on the use of IT frameworks. The research on IT frameworks can be used by a company to analyze trends in the use of frameworks in Indonesia. That way, it can help a company consider choosing a framework to use. The IT frameworks discussed in this study are COBIT, ITIL, and ISO 27001. Data related to research IT frameworks taken in the 2014-2018 period. Data collection through the Google Scholar web search engine using the Publish or Perish software. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive quantitative methods. The results of this study can use to determine the use of the IT framework in Indonesia. The amount of raw data obtained from the data collection process was 5,708 data with Authors, Title, Years, and Publisher variables. Research data on titles and keywords obtained in the Indonesian domain amounted to 754 and overseas amounted to 194. From the research results, it can conclude that the most widely used framework is the COBIT framework, with a percentage of 69.3% in the Indonesian and 58.7% in the foreign domain.
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