Dependency Parsing for Arabic Quran using Easy-First Parsing Algorithm
Dependency Parsing, Easy-first Parsing, Quran ArabicAbstract
Arabic is the main language of Al-Quran. Nowadays, many people are studying the Language of Al-Quran, called Quran Arabic. For the beginners, it is important for them to understand the syntactic relationship in a sentence found in the Qur'an. If they do not understand enough, the interpretation will be different and wrong. It will turn into dangerous because Al-Quran is a source of guidance for Muslims’ life. Dependency parsing is very important for linguistic research, especially for rich languages such as the Arabic Language. This study aims to build dependency parsing, in order to make it easier to get to understand syntactic relationship information in sentences. This study uses a parsing method called deterministic parsing, which the method used is shift-reduce parsing with the Easy-First parsing algorithm. The evaluation used labeled attachment score calculation. The score generated from the evaluation was 69.7, beforehand, the comparison both the system results and the gold standard have been done. 62 sentences found the correct head and relation in each word. The number of words found to be wrong is not more than 3 words in one sentence. Evaluation scores produced are not exorbitant due to the complicated tagset used and lacking test sentences.
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