Analisis Sentimen Review ChatGPT di Play Store menggunakan Support Vector Machine dan K-Nearest Neighbor
chatgpt, sentiment, cross validation, svm, knnAbstract
The ChatGPT application for Android was launched on July 25, 2023, and the language model from OpenAI achieved a rating of 4.8 until early 2024. Despite the majority of positive reviews, user reports stating that ChatGPT provides inaccurate answers raise concerns about the reliability of this application. This research aims to compare the models of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithms in analyzing the sentiment of ChatGPT application reviews. Utilizing text mining methods to extract information from text, data was collected from Google Play Store reviews using data scraping techniques and analyzed with Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithms. Cross-validation with 5 folds and data split using 80% training and 20% testing data were applied to evaluate the performance of both algorithms. The sentiment classification results showed that the Support Vector Machine algorithm achieved an average accuracy of 80%, while K-Nearest Neighbor reached 71%. SVM excels due to its ability to overcome KNN's limitations regarding less relevant features that do not significantly contribute to predictions. The findings of this study are expected to help developers understand and respond to user feedback regarding the reliability of ChatGPT.
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