Analisis Sentimen Ibu Kota Nusantara menggunakan Algoritma Support Vector Machine dan Naïve Bayes
ibu kota nusantara, support vector machine, naïve bayes, smote, sentiment analysisAbstract
The Government's policy of moving the Indonesian capital city (IKN) is considered controversial, sparking various responses from the public, especially on the social media platform X. This research aims to analyze tweet sentiment related to IKN and compare two algorithms. In this experiment, we collected 5,128 tweets regarding IKN from the X application. The dataset was classified into 2,598 positive sentiments and 1,659 negative sentiments. To analyze these sentiments, we used Text Mining techniques, comparing the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes algorithms. To improve the performance of these algorithms in analyzing the data, SMOTE optimization was employed to address data imbalance. Our findings show that the SVM algorithm achieves an accuracy of 84%, while the Naive Bayes algorithm achieves an accuracy of 77%. Thus, it can be concluded that the SVM algorithm is superior to the Naive Bayes algorithm. Furthermore, the use of SMOTE optimization proved to enhance the ability of both algorithms to identify positive sentiment, as evidenced by the precision, recall, and F1-Score values. The SVM algorithm achieved a precision of 82%, recall of 86%, and F1-Score of 84%, while the Naive Bayes algorithm achieved a precision of 71%, recall of 92%, and F1-Score of 80%.
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