Peran Hikayat dalam Perang Kolonial di Aceh 1873-1912: Studi Analisis Wacana Kritis Terhadap Hikayat Perang Sabil
Aceh, hikayat war sabil, war colonials, war literatureAbstract
The purpose of this study is to find, assess, and analyze the correlation of the role of the Hikayat War Sabil by Teungku Chik Pante Kulu and the spirit of the Acehnese people in the Colonial War of 1873-1912 in Aceh. The method used is descriptive qualitative with critical discourse analysis in a historical approach (discourse-historical-approach). The result of this research is to know the role of context in the content of the Hikayat War Sabil by Teungku Chik Pante Kulu and the spirit of the Acehnese people in the Colonial War of 1873-1912 in Aceh. The conclusion of this research is The presence of the Hikayat Perang Sabil as one of the literary works encourages the fanaticism of the Acehnese people regarding imaginary views on war and teaches about the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, and obedience to religious orders.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menemukan, menilai, dan menganalisis korelasi peran Hikayat Perang Sabil karya Teungku Chik Pante Kulu dan semangat rakyat Aceh dalam Perang Kolonial tahun 1873-1912 di Aceh. Metode digunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis wacana kritis dalam pendekatan sejarah (discourse-historical-approach). Hasil dari penelitian ini diketahuinya peran Hikayat Perang Sabil karya Teungku Chik Pante Kulu dan semangat rakyat Aceh dalam Perang Kolonial tahun 1873-1912 di Aceh. Kesimpulan penelitian ini hadirnya Hikayat Perang Sabil sebagai salah satu karya sastra mendorong fanatisme masyarakat Aceh mengenai pandangan imajiner terhadap perang dan mengajarkan tentang semangat nasionalisme, patriotisme, dan ketaatan pada perintah agama.
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