The Penerapan Model Project Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Peserta Didik
Penerapan Model Project Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Peserta Didik
Project based learning, Penguasaan konsep, PTKAbstract
This research aims to enhance students' conceptual understanding by applying the project-based learning model or PjBL. The study was conducted at SDN 2 Denggen Timur with class 5A as the research sample. This research uses classroom action research (CAR) and is deemed successful due to the improvement in students' conceptual understanding, as indicated by their cognitive learning outcomes. In cycle 1, the average was 4.21. In the next activity, cycle 2, the activities were the same as in cycle 1, and the result increased by 13.42, reaching 42.36, with the highest score being 65 and the lowest score 30. Cycle 3 also showed an improvement, with the class average rising to 57.36, an increase of 15.00 from the previous cycle, with the highest score being 85 and the lowest score 35. The class completeness was 15.78% because only 3 students achieved the standard score or exceeded the Minimum Competency Criteria (KKM) set by the school, which is 75. In cycle 4, the completeness increased to 78.94%, with 15 students achieving the standard score or exceeding the KKM, and the class average was 78.94, with the highest score being 90 and the lowest score 65. In the final cycle, cycle 5, the class average was 82.10, with a completeness of 89.47%, the highest score being 100 and the lowest score 15, and 17 out of 19 students achieved the standard score or exceeded the minimum completeness criteria
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