The Application of the Project Based Learning Model to Improve Science Learning Outcomes in Ecosystem Food Web Material for Class 5 SDN 2 Denggen Timur

Penerapan Model Project Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPAS Pada Materi Jaring-Jaring Makanan Ekosistem Kelas 5 SDN 2 Denggen Timur


  • Mazlin Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Rika Harnita Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Amalia Nurhidayati Universitas Hamzanwadi
  • Hary Septianwari Universitas Hamzanwadi


Learning outcomes, project based learning, PTK


The Project Based Learning model is one example of instructional design that can enhance student activity, 4C skills, and learning outcomes by involving them in real projects, which facilitates the application of knowledge and skills in practical contexts. This research aims to improve student learning outcomes through the application of the project-based learning model in the IPAS subject on the topic of food webs in ecosystems at SDN 2 Denggen Timur. The type of research used is classroom action research (CAR) conducted in five learning cycles. The research results show that the application of the project-based learning model in the IPAS subject significantly improved student learning outcomes. This can be seen from the increase in average scores and the percentage of student learning outcomes in each cycle. In Cycle 1, the average learning outcome of the students was 47 with a learning completion percentage of 0%. In Cycle II, the average learning outcome of the students was 63 with a learning completion percentage of 17%. In Cycle III, the average learning outcome of the students was 73 with a learning completion percentage of 75%. In Cycle IV, the average learning outcome of the students was 80 with a learning completion percentage of 100%. Finally, in Cycle V, the average learning outcome of the students was 87 with a learning completion percentage of 100%.


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