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Vol. 10 No. 3 (2024): September
This issue is available online on September 14, 2024. All articles in this issue, consisting of 15 papers, were authored/co-authored by 54 authors from 9 countries: Australia, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Taiwan, and United States.
Does the use of differentiated instruction through project-based learning in mathematics classroom settings facilitate the students’ collaborative skills?
Abstract view : 610 times | Download: 543 times | DOI :
Developing an assessment instrument for strengthening the Pancasila student profile in web-based middle school mathematics teaching
Abstract view : 594 times | Download: 382 times | DOI :
Challenges in teaching students to plot equations: Another impact of graphing procedures
Abstract view : 325 times | Download: 180 times | DOI :
Ethnomathematical perspectives on Galah Asin: Investigating the mathematical and cultural significance of a traditional game
Abstract view : 302 times | Download: 233 times | DOI :
Investigating preservice secondary mathematics teachers' skills in posing realistic mathematics tasks
Abstract view : 449 times | Download: 151 times | DOI :
The impact of Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education-based e-module in strengthening students’ problem-solving abilities
Abstract view : 793 times | Download: 316 times | DOI :
Difficulties in mathematical language and representation among elementary school students when solving word problems
Abstract view : 472 times | Download: 190 times | DOI :
Mastering the TPACK framework: Innovative approaches by mathematics teachers
Abstract view : 450 times | Download: 151 times | DOI :
Prospective mathematic teachers’ reflective thinking in solving numeracy problems at the critical reflection stage
Abstract view : 248 times | Download: 151 times | DOI :
Utilizing item response theory for the analysis of self-regulated learning scale in mathematics
Abstract view : 381 times | Download: 127 times | DOI :
Conceptual images and learning obstacles in exponentiation and logarithms: A hermeneutic phenomenological analysis
Abstract view : 369 times | Download: 106 times | DOI :
Exploring geometry and measurement in the Perjuangan Subkoss Garuda Sriwijaya Museum: An ethnomathematics study
Abstract view : 257 times | Download: 169 times | DOI :
Exploring students' understanding based on Bruner's theory regarding the concept of profit and loss
Abstract view : 262 times | Download: 135 times | DOI :
Investigating fraction computation problem-solving among pre-service primary school teachers
Abstract view : 332 times | Download: 114 times | DOI :
Enhancing mathematical problem-solving ability through project-based learning: A study of vocational high school student
Abstract view : 381 times | Download: 166 times | DOI :