gender violence; SFL; textAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the structure of gender-based violence in Sasak oral texts (BSas). Gender is the social role of an individual or group of individuals as perceived by society in social interactions. BS as an expression of gender has the function of updating roles that are considered appropriate or inappropriate for women and men. The study is based on the latest data from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) which shows that 60% of gender construction is caused by verbal violence and 40% is caused by physical violence. Therefore, the research questions will focus on: 1) the ideational structure of the text: the text process system and (2) the ideological function of the BSas text. This research theory uses Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) which ideally displays text and context that considers the process, participants, and situations. Then, it is collaborates with the ideological analysis of the text from Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). This study uses a phenomenological approach and qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection uses listening and reflection methods with tapping techniques, including non-participatory listening strategies, speaking and taking notes. Data validation using ideal text tools in the form of diagrams/tables based on processes, participants, and facts. The data format is in the form of conversational text in daily interactions of the Sasak tribe. Data analysis using qualitative methods at the reduction, presentation, and validation stages. The results of the study indicate that the forms of gender-based violence that are constructed are: verbal violence reaches 37%, material violence contributes 19%, behavioral violence contributes 16%, and verbal and psychological gender-based violence. And a model of the formation of gender-based violence is presented. Preventing verbal violence in the TL language community through an ideal text map. The implications of these findings highlight the root causes of gender-based violence, patterns of gender-based violence pathways, and preventive efforts to prevent gender-based violence among TL speakers.
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