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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): July
This issue is available online on July 1, 2022. All articles in this issue consisting of 21 papers were authored/co-authored by 66 authors from 3 countries: Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, and Burundi.
A local instructional theory (LIT) for teaching linear equation through STEM instruction
Abstract view : 240 times | Download: 137 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Junior high school students’ mathematical reasoning skills on integer using PMRI and collaborative learning
Abstract view : 152 times | Download: 72 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Implementation the project-based learning using the context of Batik art in elementary mathematics learning
Abstract view : 1756 times | Download: 139 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
The impact of affective skills toward on the mathematics learning outcomes at senior high school students
Abstract view : 590 times | Download: 117 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Unveiling belief and pedagogical content knowledge of prospective secondary mathematics teachers
Abstract view : 193 times | Download: 75 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Learning trajectory of quadrilaterals learning using the context of Burongko Bugis cake to improve students’ critical thinking
Abstract view : 260 times | Download: 151 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Slow learners’ performance in solving mathematical problems in the inclusive classroom
Abstract view : 309 times | Download: 137 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Cognitive demands on geometrical tasks in Indonesian elementary school mathematics textbook
Abstract view : 101 times | Download: 80 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Implementation of augmented reality-assisted learning media on three-dimensional shapes
Abstract view : 126 times | Download: 107 times | DOI :
Semiotic analysis on Malangan Batik for elementary school mathematics learning
Abstract view : 179 times | Download: 80 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
A comparison of reciprocal teaching and scientific approaches for improving pupils' mathematical understanding
Abstract view : 162 times | Download: 83 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Junior high school students’ abilities in solving the open-ended mathematical problems with the context of Songket motif
Abstract view : 214 times | Download: 96 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Secondary students’ spatial thinking in solving the minimum competency assessment (MCA) on geometry
Abstract view : 126 times | Download: 86 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
A learning trajectory of integer addition and subtraction using the kempreng game context
Abstract view : 396 times | Download: 263 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Secondary students’ mathematical reasoning in terms of learning styles on online learning
Abstract view : 296 times | Download: 74 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Students’ problem-solving ability in number patterns topic viewed from cognitive styles
Abstract view : 143 times | Download: 79 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Prospective teachers’ thinking through realistic mathematics education based emergent modeling in fractions
Abstract view : 185 times | Download: 91 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Prospective teachers' perceptions of didactic obstacles in the online mathematics learning
Abstract view : 209 times | Download: 72 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Interaction between RME-based blended learning and self-regulated learning in improving mathematical literacy
Abstract view : 222 times | Download: 75 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Self-regulated learning and problem-solving ability of elementary school students in fraction during online learning
Abstract view : 214 times | Download: 83 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :
Students' creative thinking ability assisted augmented reality based on visualizer-verbalizer cognitive style
Abstract view : 221 times | Download: 70 times | Download: 0 times | Download: 0 times | DOI :