Bahasa Matematis Masyarakat Yogyakarta: Suatu Kajian Etnografi




numbers, the culture of Yogyakarta, etnomathematics, area and volume, etnographic studies, time units


Yogyakarta has a nickname as the City of Culture. Yogyakarta has several cultures that are closely related to the context of learning mathematics. However, not many educators in Yogyakarta see this culture as a context that can be a starting point in learning mathematics. Thus, this study aims to explore the culture of Yogyakarta's people that can be used as a context in learning mathematics. This study uses ethnographic studies sourced from literature studies, field observations, and interviews with informants who understand the ancient Javanese language well to clarify and / or provide more understanding of the results of the literature review collected. The results showed some mathematical languages used by the Yogyakarta people in Javanese that could be used as starting points in learning mathematics. This mathematical language includes the mention of numbers, area, angle, volume, indefinite units, and determination of time units.

Author Biography

Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, (SCOPUS ID: 57192302745), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta


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How to Cite

Prahmana, R. C. I. (2020). Bahasa Matematis Masyarakat Yogyakarta: Suatu Kajian Etnografi. Jurnal Elemen, 6(2), 277–301.




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