Journal History

The Journal of VELES (Voices of English Language Education Society) marked a significant milestone on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, when it secured its eISSN application. Shortly thereafter, on May 3, 2017, it was granted the eISSN 2579-7484 by PDII LIPI, a validation solidified by Ministerial Decree No. 0005.25797484/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2017.05. This auspicious beginning paved the way for the inaugural publication of articles in Volume 1, Number 1, which graced the academic community in April 2017. The Journal of VELES, a biannual gem in the realm of scholarly discourse, consistently delivers its intellectual bounty every April and October, thanks to the dedicated team at Hamzanwadi University.

In recognition of its scholarly contributions, the Journal of VELES received the esteemed accreditation of (SINTA 2)  from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia in 2021. This accolade, as per Decree (RISTEKDIKTI, Decree No: 5162/EA/AK.04/2021), underpins its standing as a beacon of academic excellence. This recognition took root from Volume 4, Number 2, a testament to the journal's sustained commitment to advancing knowledge. Even prior to this, the Journal of VELES had garnered attention from notable indexing sites. The likes of Google Scholar, BASE, Crossref, Cite Factor, Scientific Indexing Service, Garuda, Scilit, and Dimensions all acknowledged the journal's valuable contributions to the scholarly landscape.

On March 6, 2024, a momentous event unfolded within the corridors of VELES Journal. The guidelines and article templates underwent a comprehensive revision, reflecting the commitment to bolstering authorship rights. This critical refinement, while maintaining the essence of scholarly content, primarily focused on the aesthetic aspects. It was imperative to seamlessly incorporate vital elements such as DOI numbers, copyrights, and licensing in each article. This pivotal update became effective from Volume 8, Number 1; April 2024, ushering in a new era of enhanced publication standards. The Journal of VELES continues to evolve, ensuring that the scholarly community receives nothing short of excellence in every published work.

Originally, VELES Journal published two issues each year, specifically in April and October. However, since obtaining the  (SINTA 2) accreditation, the number of articles received has increased significantly. To accommodate this influx, starting in 2023, the VELES Journal has increased its publication frequency to three issues per year, released in April, August, and December.