Learner-generated drawings by students with mathematical learning difficulties in finishing open number sentences





integers, learner-generated drawings, MLD students, open number sentences


Although MLD students do not have good mathematical performance in completing addition and subtraction operations of integers, MLD students have suggestive ideas in the form of drawings produced in solving open number sentences questions. This study aims to classify the types and identify changes in the drawing produced by MLD students in solving open number sentences questions. This research method is qualitative with a micro generic study approach to understand students' thinking individually and explore drawing changes in solving open number sentences questions between sessions. The research subjects were 2 out of 20 MLD grade 5 elementary school students who produced the most varied drawings in solving open number sentences questions. Data collection techniques used are giving questions and interviews. The results showed that MLD students produced: discrete object drawings by focusing on the cardinality of the quantity of a number; transitions from objects to the number line by focusing on the magnitude of numbers; partitioning the number line using magnitude reasoning; number sentences; and others using verbal reasoning. Changes in the drawings produced by MLD students between sessions indicate the development of students' understanding towards a better direction in interpreting symbolic representations to visual representations. The results of this study contribute to the theory that although MLD students have low mathematical performance. However, MLD students can produce variations and changes in drawings with rich mathematical idea information representing integer operations.

Author Biography

Mohammad Faizal Amir, Elementary School Teacher Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, East Java



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How to Cite

Amir, M. F. (2022). Learner-generated drawings by students with mathematical learning difficulties in finishing open number sentences. Jurnal Elemen, 8(1), 216–230. https://doi.org/10.29408/jel.v8i1.4556




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