Probing Indonesian Teachers’ Learning Investment in Response to Educational Disruption: A Narrative Inquiry


  • Masayu Lely Mutmainnah Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Sary Silvhiany Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Eryansyah Eryansyah Universitas Sriwijaya



Learning Investment, Continuing Professional Development, EFL, Indonesian Teachers


Drawing upon the theoretical framework of investment and the methodological perspective of narrative inquiry, this article explores how English teachers from South Sumatra, Indonesia navigated the challenges of the sudden shift to online learning, how they positioned themselves in times of pandemic crisis professionally, and the perceived effects of their professional development participations. Data from the study include interviews, teachers’ digital artifacts, and teachers’ reflective writing. The critical incident analysis employed in this study sheds light on the challenges faced by English teachers in teaching online in the pandemic era including the unavailability of internet quota at home, teachers’ difficulties in teaching online, and the ability of teachers to adapt online teaching. Besides, the English teachers invested in continuing professional development by applying professional development activities such as; seminars, webinars, training, and workshop that were facilitated by the government and shared in the social group such as MGMP activities. Lastly, professional development was important for them since it affected their teaching online during a pandemic and their professional competency development and performance during online teaching activities. Implications are drawn out for school administration, governmental education departments, and teacher education institutions, as they need to coalesce to engage in more collaborative work to support teachers’ professional development.

Author Biographies

Masayu Lely Mutmainnah, Universitas Sriwijaya

Masayu Lely Mutmainah is a graduate student at Master's Program in Language Education, Sriwijaya University

Sary Silvhiany, Universitas Sriwijaya

Dr. Sary Silvhiany is a lecturer at English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. She earned her PhD from the department of Literacy, Culture, and Language Education at Indiana University Bloomington, USA and her master’s degree from the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA and Master of Education from Sriwijaya University, Palembang. Her research focuses on literacy/biliteracy as social and critical practices, multiliteracies and multilingual inquiry pedagogy, & Teacher Education.

Eryansyah Eryansyah, Universitas Sriwijaya

Dr. Eryansyah is a lecturer at English Education Study Program.


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How to Cite

Mutmainnah, M. L., Silvhiany, S., & Eryansyah, E. (2022). Probing Indonesian Teachers’ Learning Investment in Response to Educational Disruption: A Narrative Inquiry. Voices of English Language Education Society, 6(2), 340–353.