How Ready Can You Be? Profiling Indonesian Teacher’s Preparedness for an Online Teacher Professional Development Program




online teacher professional development, MOOC, need analysis


Online teacher professional development has shown benefits in enhancing and improving teacher competences in providing classroom experiences which eventually may improve student academic achievements (de Kramer et. al, 2012). In designing an effective online teacher professional development, a need analysis needs to be conducted to successfully meet the teachers’ needs and design a program that is based on the teachers’ contexts and the complexities of teachers’ teaching practices. The article reports on the results of the need analysis conducted via survey and focus group discussions to 1544 teachers across Indonesia with the aim to design an online teacher professional development delivered via a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC). The results of the need analysis show that the MOOC needs to be designed carefully in terms of the technical requirements, content, and delivery of the MOOC.

Author Biographies

Neny Isharyanti, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Assistant professor in the Master's program in English Language Education

Finita Dewi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Assistant professor at the Early Childhood Teacher Education program, Purwakarta campus.

Anuncius Gumawang Jati, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Associate Professor at Faculty of Arts and Design


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How to Cite

Isharyanti, N., Dewi, F., & Jati, A. G. (2023). How Ready Can You Be? Profiling Indonesian Teacher’s Preparedness for an Online Teacher Professional Development Program. Voices of English Language Education Society, 7(1), 167–178.