Computational thinking on concept pattern number: A study learning style Kolb


  • Ratni Purwasih Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java
  • Turmudi Turmudi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java
  • Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java
  • Naufal Ishartono University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur



computational thinking, number pattern, learning style Kolb


This research aimed to determine how the number pattern concept's computational thinking characteristic picture was reviewed from the Kolb model's learning style. The research method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. The research was conducted at one of the state's small schools in Bandung. The research subjects consisted of 29 students in the ninth grade. One of the 29 study issues is selected with assimilator learning styles. The data-gathering techniques used are questionnaire tests, test instruments, and interviews. Angket is used to group subjects into four groups of learning style types. The test instrument was used to describe the computational thinking characteristics of high school students on the concept of number patterns, and the interview was used to strengthen the test summary results of the subject. The results of this study show that the characteristics of computational thinking that each type of learning style dominates are different. Computational thinking students with an assimilator learning style in solving mathematical problems of number patterns can solve issues by involving decomposition, pattern identification, abstraction and generalization, and algorithms. They can generalize patterns using accurate, thorough, complete, and systematic problem-solving strategies.

Author Biographies

Ratni Purwasih, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java


Turmudi Turmudi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java

Pendidikan Matematika

Jarnawi Afgani Dahlan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, West Java

Pendidikan Matematika

Naufal Ishartono, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur

4Departement of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Purwasih, R., Turmudi, T., Dahlan, J. A., & Ishartono, N. (2024). Computational thinking on concept pattern number: A study learning style Kolb. Jurnal Elemen, 10(1), 89–104.




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