The impact of Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education-based e-module in strengthening students’ problem-solving abilities




Design Research, Ethno-RME, Impactful e-Module, Problem-Solving Abilities


Mathematics education in Indonesia faces challenges primarily due to the limited problem-solving skills of students, prompting a need for effective teaching materials to enhance classroom learning. Despite this, many educators still rely on conventional methods that are less effective in fostering mathematical understanding. Consequently, there is a demand for alternative resources that can better support mathematics education. This study aims to develop a valid and practical e-module based on Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education (Ethno-RME) to improve problem-solving abilities among eighth-grade students. Employing a design research approach within the development studies framework, the study includes preliminary and formative evaluation stages. Evaluation tools encompass expert assessments of content and media quality, walkthroughs, documentation, and problem-solving assessments. The outcome is an Ethno-RME-based e-module focused on number patterns, validated through expert reviews and positively evaluated for practicality by students. This research highlights the e-module's potential to significantly enhance students' mathematical problem-solving skills, offering educators an innovative tool to support effective mathematics teaching.

Author Biographies

Eka Kevin Alghiffari, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Department of Mathematics Education

Rully Charitas Indra Prahmana, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan & Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education Research Center

Department of Mathematics Education

Brian Evans, Pace University, New York

Department of Mathematics Education


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How to Cite

Alghiffari, E. K., Prahmana, R. C. I., & Evans, B. (2024). The impact of Ethno-Realistic Mathematics Education-based e-module in strengthening students’ problem-solving abilities. Jurnal Elemen, 10(3), 546–566.




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