A Retrospective Narrative Study of Pre-Service Teachers' Language Barrier Experiences in International Teaching Practicum





International Teaching Practicum, Language Barrier, Relational Turning Point Events (RTPEs), Retrospective narrative study


The present retrospective narrative study reported in this article explores the international teaching practicum program has become a new trend in a lot of university-based English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education programs, particularly in Southeast Asian countries. This phenomenon led to the high demand for university-based EFL teacher education programs of having international networking which aims to give more cross-cultural understanding and experience for the pre-service teachers in teaching EFL abroad. This retrospective narrative case study aims to investigate the language socialization experiences and challenges of two Indonesian pre-service EFL teachers during the teaching practicum program in Thailand. The data was collected through participants’ teaching practicum documents and semi-structured interviews. Grounded in a retrospective narrative study and Relational Turning Point Events (RTPEs) theoretical framework, this study is hoped to provide a better understanding of the EFL teaching development, particularly for preparing pre-service teachers for intercultural teaching practicum.

Author Biographies

Iswatun Chasanah, Sebelas Maret University

Sebelas Maret University

Sumardi Sumardi, Sebelas Maret University

Sebelas Maret University


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How to Cite

Chasanah, I., & Sumardi, S. (2022). A Retrospective Narrative Study of Pre-Service Teachers’ Language Barrier Experiences in International Teaching Practicum. Voices of English Language Education Society, 6(1), 271–282. https://doi.org/10.29408/veles.v6i1.5356