Investigating preservice secondary mathematics teachers' skills in posing realistic mathematics tasks




preservice mathematics teachers, Problem Posing, realistic mathematics tasks


Mathematics tasks situated in realistic situations play a central role in developing and applying mathematical knowledge. However, mathematics educators face difficulties in designing realistic mathematics tasks. This study was conducted to gain deeper insights into the characteristics of mathematical problems that underprepared preservice secondary mathematics teachers pose. This study examined 32 preservice secondary mathematics teachers' problem-posing skills based on three problem-posing situations: structured problem-posing, semi-structured problem-posing, and free problem-posing. As the context of the participants, they did not have learning experiences in designing realistic mathematics tasks. In evaluating the preservice teachers' works, the researchers used several evaluation criteria, namely the compatibility of the problem with the mathematical principles, plausibility and sufficiency of information, the problem text, level of context authenticity, cognitive demand, and the correctness of the solution. The results revealed that most preservice teachers posed problems with the first-order level of context use and low cognitive demand. Additionally, many of them encountered difficulties when attempting to solve the problem. The findings of this study were expected to serve as a basis for developing a curriculum for pedagogic and mathematics courses in teacher education.

Author Biographies

Veronika Fitri Rianasari, Ateneo de Manila University & Sanata Dharma University

Department of Mathematics Education

Angela Fatima H. Guzon, Ateneo de Manila University

Department of Mathematics


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How to Cite

Veronika Fitri Rianasari, & Guzon, A. F. H. (2024). Investigating preservice secondary mathematics teachers’ skills in posing realistic mathematics tasks. Jurnal Elemen, 10(3), 533–545.




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