Learning obstacle of proportion learning based on proposional reasoning level: A case study pre-service mathematics teachers


  • Rani Sugiarni Suryakancana University
  • Tatang Herman Indonesia University of Education
  • Didi Suryadi Indonesia University of Education
  • Sufyani Prabawanto Indonesia University of Education
  • Nia Jusniani Universitas Terbuka




pre-service mathematics teacher, proportion, learning obtacles, proportion reasoning level


The proportion has emerged as an important mathematical topic in high school because of its foundation in other mathematics topics. This study aims to identify the learning barriers of pre-service mathematics teachers (PMT) based on the material proportion and level of reasoning proportion. This study implemented Didactical Design Research (DDR) and used qualitative research methodologies within an interpretive paradigm. The research participants were 25 PMTs from a seventh-semester candidate teacher at a private college in Cianjur, Indonesia. The data collected from the test results and interviews were analyzed using procedures such as identification, clarification, reduction, and verification. We then present the findings in a narrative format. Langrall and Swafford categorized the results of written tests at the proportional-reasoning level. Based on the results, the PMT at the varied proportional level but at the nonproportional level 0 identified learning obstacles, which include ontogenetic obstacles, epistimology obstacles, and didactic obstacles. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basis for designing hypothetical learning for school mathematical research in future PMT.

Author Biographies

Rani Sugiarni, Suryakancana University

Department of Mathematics Education

Tatang Herman, Indonesia University of Education

Department of Mathematics Education

Didi Suryadi, Indonesia University of Education

Department of Mathematics Education

Sufyani Prabawanto, Indonesia University of Education

Department of Mathematics Education

Nia Jusniani, Universitas Terbuka

Department of Mathematics Education


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How to Cite

Sugiarni, R., Herman, T., Suryadi, D., Prabawanto, S., & Jusniani, N. (2025). Learning obstacle of proportion learning based on proposional reasoning level: A case study pre-service mathematics teachers. Jurnal Elemen, 11(1), 87–107. https://doi.org/10.29408/jel.v11i1.27418




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